Welcome to RigidBody Tech LLC and Quantum Runners by RigidBody. We are the foremost experts in interplanetary operations and completely dedicated to serving the needs of our clients. We have been in business for close to 900 Terra years.
Quantum Runners, the game you have purchased, or are contemplating purchasing, is identical to standard issue equipment on all RigidBody Tech LLC Interplanetary Vessels.
If you are interested in purchasing Quantum Runners for your vessel or home use, the retail price is US$14.99 while in early release and can be downloaded via your Steam Account.
Quantum Runners! A futuristic, fast paced, interplanetary themed mixed genre 3D Space Racer and Shooter!
Game Play
Full on 3D racing! Not 2D, not 2.5D, but Full on 3D.
12 different Racing Ships, separately customizable, in 3D, for both Player and AI Ships.
Custom AI module for the 11 ships you race against. AI Ships can and will shoot at you, run into you, and otherwise cause havoc!
Each Ship equipped with 1, 2, or 4 plasma cannons. You'll be needing them...
Heads Up Display (HUD) that can be toggled on/off completely or separately In Race.
HUD includes radar, attitude indicator, velocity, fuel, ammo, shield status, and more!
Lap Split Times sorted by position update on the quarter lap, displayable continuously in race, if desired, as part of the HUD.
Custom Game and Menu track music compositions. Quantum Runners Soundtrack available separately.
Player's can leave the track, fly around, explore... It's perfectly safe...
Five difficulty levels controlling everything from Asteroid Impact Damage incurred, Max Velocity, fuel, shields, munitions, and more!
Extensive UI system with 3D ship selection preview capability.
Full Audio control menu with 9 different mixers - everything is adjustable.
8 different Engine audio loops with variable pitch coupled to velocity that can be previewed in the Audio Menu.
Racing Environment Customization menu.
Extensive Flight Characteristics Settings menu. Set up and fly the ship the way you want to!
Quantum Runners will remember your setting changes in-game and on new sessions, all resettable to default factory settings.
Extensive in-game and online Help menu.
Full Controller Support and/or Mouse/Keyboard Support, play either or both!
All major controller brands supported! Quantum Runners is out of the box pre-programmed with recommended settings, ALL FULLY REMAPPABLE.
Unknown controllers will be recognized and are also remappable.
Player provided with full control for changing windowing, graphics quality resolutions, and screen aspect ratios.
Additional Information Before You Buy
Game is in active development. First level (included) has 5 rings raceable in numerous configurations.
Game is unrated, but brief blood and gore imagery on Pilot Ejection sequences would rate it T (13+).
Quantum Runners is designed to be used with a Controller OR Mouse and Keyboard. The Flight Control Settings menu has various methods to fine tune your inputs.
System Requirements
The minimum recommended machine specifications for an acceptable user experience are as follows: